The Benefits of Oxygen Therapy

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Supplemental oxygen does not cure lung conditions, but it is an important therapy that improves symptoms and organ function.

Some benefits:

1. Sleep better: Using oxygen therapy at night allows your body to get more oxygen into the bloodstream so that you can get a better night’s sleep.

2. Increases activity level: Staying active is a key part of staying as healthy as possible. When your body has enough oxygen, you’ll have more energy to be more active.

3. Promotes steady breathing: Oxygen won’t completely eliminate your shortness of breath, but it can help many lung disease patients feel less breathless during everyday activities.

4. Restores energy: Oxygen therapy can help circulate more oxygen into your bloodstream, which can improve your energy levels.

Helping you breathe easy — and comfortably — is our top priority

For those with conditions that require the use of nasal oxygen, Cannula Comfort Cushions™ is a perfect accompaniment for adding to your comfort. The cushions work to widen the surface that meets the skin to prevent impressions left by the small nasal cannula tubing and straps from facemasks. Designed to provide crease protection and tube support for your face, it prevents tube collapse and roll —a critical safety precaution —and lets you sleep comfortably. For more information, contact us today.

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